Wednesday, May 15, 2024

D-Day Gold Beach: Prep Part one

 Being an absolute glutton for punishment I'm trying to whip up a very cheap and nasty twelve by four table for putting on a D-Day game in the club.

So far the plan is to use the Gold Beach scenario from Battleground Europe and its updates in the D-Day overlord book. There are going to be three players a side so I needed a fair few bunkers and Landing Crafts printed. So far I've got the tables built, hardboard and wooden supports underneath, primed ready for painting and all the landing crafts and bunkers printed. I've still to paint the various sections of the board, 12 inches of deep water, 12 inches of shallow water, 12 inches of beach and then finally 12 inches of coastline.

I'm also planning to have minefields made and areas of cover with Czech hedgehogs

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