Tuesday, June 11, 2024

DDay prep: To Mine or not to Mine

One of the trickiest decisions was how to quickly represent minefields on the beaches, the German players would receive one free minefield for each landing craft used. Going with how many landing crafts I had that meant I had to knock up at least ten. 

I had previously meant to use warlord games craters and their barbed wire as I had a small amount of them, but managed to order way too late to be able to prepare as many sections i needed. So it was time to get creative. Using some DAS clay and a ball of Tinfoil, I created a squashed blob of clay, rolled the ball over it, then squished a hole in it to make a crater. these were then added to scenic bases from the incredibly talented and great value giver John Banks on Facebook. I pretty much just stuck them down with hot glue once they had dried, then added BBQ skewers to the bases after drilling holes the same width as the skewers. The posts were very quickly painted with brown paint to dull them down a bit and all the base and craters were covered with Desert Sand texture paint

To round off the look, after I very quickly ran out of barbed wire, I used craft silver twine to substitute and was pleasently surprised how much more economical and easy to use it was. This was super glued in place at any knots I tied. The signs were added as wee finishing touch, I made a little sign out of scrap plastic sprayed black and cut into triangles, with a wee freehand skull and crossbones added.

In additon to the minefields I used smaller terrain bases to make czech hedgehog obsticles to provide a bit of cover. these were made using craft I Beams

Gold Beach in all its glory, full write up to come shortly


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